Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Resolution Revamp Part II: Putting the Declare in Declarative Goals

Making Your Declaration

Step 2: Making Your Declaration

    So hopefully some of you have taken the time to transform your New Years Resolution into a Gain Centered Goals. If not Click on the link and it will take you to the first part of the goal series so you can start there. Declarative goals are transformative goals that lead you to your core inner desires. Declarative goals are in line with living life to its fullest potential and pushing out the superficial goals that typically put people in a place of disempowerment. Declarative Goals allow you to progress and embody what you really want your life. You will gain your life and be more fulfilled in the process rather than losing, quitting or getting rid of something. Declarative goals allow for transformation and that is what life is all about. Part of the transformation happens when we apply Declarations to our goals. They help us embody positive change and be active creators in our own lives.

     Using declarations helps to make things manifest in our lives and is a statement that directs your life to where you would like to go. Instead of your stray thoughts deciding what is coming your way, this is you telling the world directly what is coming and what you are going to do. This declaration not only helps you to stay focused on the creation of what you want but it also sets you up for success by: making you aware of the opportunities around you, it identifies things that will help you achieve your desires, helps you to prioritize, and keeps you aware of what is working and what is not. This declaration is you telling the universe you are ready to play ball and you are playing with your eyes wide open.

How to make a declaration:

1.  Take the list of goals you have made and look at what strengths you need to achieve them. Look at what obstacles might get in your way, think of what you need in your life to make this happen. Do you need people or support to help you reach your goals? Take all of these things and write them down.

2.  View the examples below to give yourself a good idea of what the declarations will end up looking like and then start to write your own empowering declarations. Here are a couple keys to making sure your declarations are going in the right direction.

         A. Your Declarations need to be in present tense. Great things are happening to you                      right now.

         B. Make sure the statement resonates with you deeply. Be empowering, you might write               things you do not believe are true today but they are the desires of your heart. Write                 this statement as if nothing could stop you. Write down things that move and inspire                 your spirit to wake up and pay attention.


Declaration Examples- 

 " I Declare that I am living a life of health, happiness and strength. My life is full of restorative healing, love and forgiveness. My thoughts of positivity are transforming my whole being and any negative beliefs I held onto. I live life with purpose and passion everyday. My body and life allow me to move freely, effortlessly and enthusiastically towards my goals. Each day opportunities are making themselves known and bringing me new and exciting ways to empower my life."

 " I Declare that I am worthy of love and acceptance. The magnitude of love contained within my relationships exceeds my expectations daily.  I am able to rely on those around me as they are able to rely on me. I am blessed with more than enough and love abounds in my home. The people I am surrounded with help me to become a better person. I am full of love and compassion and seek daily to share the gratefulness of my heart.  I abound in love, rejoice in love and am perfected in the love of the Creator and those surrounding my life."

"I Declare that I am enough. I am unbound by the unlimited potential within me. I am a creator who builds people up and will not be defined by my limitations. I am capable of great things and continue to arise and powerfully overcome challenges daily. When challenges arise, I am able to quickly overcome challenges with innovative ideas and swift action."

"I Declare abundance on my life. There world is pouring its abundance on me and new streams of income are bursting forth to meet this decree. I am able to navigate the financial waters of life with ease and agility. New positive opportunities are being created daily to bring me growth and prosperity."

3. Now that you have a bit of direction take flight. Start the writing process and you will soon discover that once you start writing these and saying them out loud you will feel elated and lifted up. Your mind will be lifted to a place of possibility and each new declaration will start flowing from your finger tips.

Finish Step 2's Declarations and be on the look out for Step Three: Taking Action 

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