Monday, January 13, 2014

Resolution Revamp: Taking Action and Grateful Reflection


Resolution Revamp: Part 3 & 4 Taking Action & Grateful Reflection

    So you have taken some time to take a second look at your resolutions/goals and figured out what you really want out of life. You have created declarations that speak to your soul and have felt a renewed sense of connection that your previous resolutions did not bring. Your goals no longer are focused on losing things in life but rather gaining better prospectives, habits, relationships etc. At this point you must take action. Just by starting something you create the momentum that begins to propel things into existence. Be on the look out for more opportunities to reach your goals. When you focus on gain centered goals you will find many other opportunities to achieve your goals.

  For your Declarations:  Read them out loud everyday like you mean it. Put them in your car and when your alone shout it out at the top of your lungs, look yourself in the mirror, connect and make yourself believe them. Read it, say it and write it like you mean it. It may seem silly at first but trust me, you will start to not only have a whole new relationship with yourself but you will start to find new and wonderful things coming into your life. If for some reason you just cannot muster up the courage to shout your declaration from the rooftops fear not, there is still plenty of room for the shy and reserved. Figure out what works best for you. Some people express themselves best through pen and paper, write out your goals and declarations or meditate upon them and start visualizing them happening in your life. Whatever you do get them in your head. If you cannot do it everyday do it as much as you can. This is not about perfection it is about consistency and picking things up where you left off. Whatever you do start to embody your declarations.

 One of the best parts about this process is it allows you to add things to your declarations. It creates room in your life for change and advancement. Somedays you might decide you need to change the statement a bit. Maybe you need a little more compassion in your life, maybe you need to hear that your creator knows who you are or maybe you need to hear that you are loved unconditionally. You can add these in or take things away at any point during the year and you can always pick up where you left off. Transformative growth doesn't stop just because you got busy. You can hop back on the train and adjust your perception whenever you like. The biggest thing with these is to keep them in your mind so you consciously think about them every day. You will be amazed to see the small things you start to do just because you have something at the forefront of your mind.

For Your Goals: Start implementing your goals into your life. You now have a few different ways to start achieving them and will probably find more along the way. Everyday look for ways to incorporate these goals into your life. Sometimes you might come to points where you may feel discouraged or like you just are not getting what you had hoped out of the goals. Take time to look at your goals again, what are you really looking for. Reassess and reapply the principles of Declarative Goal setting. We are continuously changing and growing and our goals should aim us towards where we want to go. Transformation is not something that happens overnight and it is not a one size fits all process and sometimes our goals may need some adjusting. This is progressive goal setting and just because you have to reroute does not mean the goal is unrealized.

The Last Step: Grateful Reflection

     You will start to recognize new opportunities coming your way and will find yourself doing things in line with your Declarative Goals. You will find yourself seeing things that are not lining up with your intentions and substituting them for new positive things. Part of this process is recognizing your growth and recognizing those who have helped you achieve it. Write down what is happening, share it with a friend or just acknowledge you are moving forward. Recognize those who have helped you out, give yourself credit for what you are doing right, and write down the experiences that are changing your life.  At the end of the year you can take a look at the journey you went on and realize progress was made. You are a transformative soul and can do transformative things.

New Year

   I promise if you continue to keep your goals and declarations at the forefront of your mind your life will change. Come the end of next year instead of realizing all of the things you did not accomplish you will look at how you embodied your declarations and how your life has changed. You will recognize how you gained a better relationship with yourself and others. You will realize how your words have created actions that changed your life. You will see a change and you will have not just resolved to change but you will have become the change you wanted to see. Through doing your goals like this you will start to see lasting change. We want to live lives full of purpose, passion and transformation with the key word being full. So open up your life and start to fill your life with wonderful things. Then at the end of the year you can truly say you have gained something wonderful!

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